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Bloody Good Films
Takes on Tastes
Food for Thought and the Planet
About This Blog

Hello! I’ve recently started a new blog!


The main idea emerged when I was writing my final essay about one of my favourite films (500) Days of Summer – I loved writing it so much that I realised I didn't care about achieving a certain grade. I love my work and am proud enough of it that I want to share it.

I also want to share my previous and upcoming work because I enjoy the process and I feel that should be the case for education. Most of us are college educated and while we use that to earn our careers or shape our perspectives, some of these lessons only reach the peripheral people around us and is often a privilege. We can share what we learn, inspire and encourage others. 

With that in mind, I also want to have a disclaimer that I understand whatever I write is also NOT perfect, nor are they particularly what I intend to write fully. There are only so many things you can write within the page/word restraint and often many more things and ideas could be added. I probably will add more information as I go along, but I am using this platform as a way to start the conversation.

Once again, this is NOT perfect, nor does it really aim to be. Its imperfections are an urgent call to have conversation, opinions, challenging thoughts, and most importantly, questions.


While we can briefly read these online, we usually miss out on the personal aspect of continuing these topics outside of our screens – my intention is to encourage you to contact me and continue this conversation elsewhere!

Contact Me

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